What is the average reps for Leg raises?

The average Reps for leg raises varies from person to person. There are soo many factors that come in such as workout goals, age, level of strength, endurance, gender and more. Below, all the factors …

The average Reps for leg raises varies from person to person. There are soo many factors that come in such as workout goals, age, level of strength, endurance, gender and more. Below, all the factors will be considered in a chart form.

Leg raises is a bodyweight exercise for the abdominal, lower back and anterior hip flexors. This exercise requires lifting your legs and back down. It’s best to know which muscle is being targeted which are:

  • Internal and External Obliques
  • Iliopsoas
  • Rectus Abdominis
  • Rectus femoris

(Read in more detail)

So what is the Average reps for Leg Raises?

The Average Leg raises rep for Men is 10-30 reps.

The Average Leg Raises rep for Women is 5-25 reps.

Average Leg raises Category Chart Men

Category Average Reps
Beginner1 – 5 Reps
Intermediate6 – 30 Reps
Advanced31 – 70 Reps
Elite71 – 105 Reps

Average Leg raises Category Chart Women

Category Average Reps
Beginner1 – 3 Reps
Intermediate4 – 20 Reps
Advanced21 – 50 Reps
Elite51 – 80 Reps

How many Leg Raises should I do a day?

After Performing leg raises every day for some time, you need to know how many Leg raises you should perform a day. The answer varies from person to person as we all have different levels of core fitness.

If you’re new(Beginner) to Leg raises then you should do 1-5 Leg raises every day for 3 sets. So, it’s 3-15 leg raises in total.

If you’re doing Leg raises for some time (Intermediate) then you should do 10-25 Leg raises every day for 3 sets. So, it’s 30-75 Leg raises in total.

If you’re doing Leg raises regularly (advanced) then you should do 30-50 Leg raises every day for 3 sets. So, it’s 90-150 leg raises in total.

If you’re a pro(elite) at Leg raises then you should be doing 55-85 Leg raises every day for 3 sets, So it’s 165-255 Leg raises in total.

Benefits of Leg Raises

Strengthen Abdominal

Leg Raises is a great exercise if you want to strengthen and tone your core and this will lead to less back and core injury in future. Also, it activates leg muscles when performing so target leg muscles too but mainly abdominal. If you want a good strong core then Leg raises are the exercise that will help you achieve that.

Strengthen Leg Muscle

Leg muscle is the secondary muscle that is targeted with Leg raises. This exercise will strengthen your hamstrings, calf muscles and glutes.

Increased flexibility

Leg Raises help with flexibility as it works on hips and lower back muscle. This increases mobility and relieves tightness and tension. Furthermore, this leas to reduce stress, increase concentration and boost energy levels.

Improved posture

Leg Raises help to improve the posture as your core gets stronger your hips and spine are easily aligned and that helps with posture.

Better balance and stability

Performing Leg Raises will help increase your balance and stability. With Leg Raises, your pelvis, lower back and hip muscles work together with abdominal muscles to increase your balance. This is can be very beneficial as you’re less likely to get injured in the future and will have a better balance.

How to do more reps for Leg Raises?

The form is very important, you need to ensure you performing Leg Raises correctly. You can check below how to do Leg Raises with the correct form. Some tips are to avoid pulling your neck or crunching too high.

Create workout plan

In order to do more reps at Leg Raises, you need to track how many Leg Raises can do and add them to your workout plan or create one. It’s best to do sits ups every other day so take one day’s break for recovery (such as Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).


  1. Warm up with 5 minutes slow jog.
  2. Exercise (lunges)
  3. Exercise (Pull ups)
  4. Exercise (Sit ups)
  5. Exercise (Leg Raises) – Choose your Target (20 reps) and perform the Leg Raises for 3 sets with 30 seconds break between each sets.
  6. Exercise (Deadlifts)
  7. End your workout with slow prone back extension to release tension from the core.

Adding Resistance

Adding resistance will make your Leg Raises harder but more effective. The best way to do it is by using an incline sit-up bench. This will add intensity to Leg Raises and help gain core strength a lot quicker.

Adding Variation

In order to perform more Leg Raises reps then you make sure your overall core strength is stronger and increasing endurance. The best way to do this is by performing different abdominal exercises as it will help build good core strength and stability.

Some of the exercises you can perform are:

  • Captain’s chair
  • V-sit
  • Plank hold
  • Crunches
  • Sit ups

Get Enough Rest and Recovery

After performing a number of abdominal exercises you need to ensure that you let one day for your muscle to recover. This is because your ab muscles will be fatigued, in order for it to get stronger and increase in endurance, you need to make sure to rest.

How to do Leg Raises with the correct form?

STEP 1 – Lie on your back with straight legs.

STEP 2 –  Tense your core and lift your legs up but make sure to keep them straight up until your glutes comes off the floor

STEP 3 – Slow bring your legs lower near the floor but make your legs are just above the floor. Hold there for 1-2 seconds.

STEP 4 – Raise your legs back up and repeat.

Can Leg raises give you a six-pack?

Yes, it will over time but if you want a six-pack you need to maintain a low body fat of around 5-12% and consistently train the core and lower back muscle. Leg raises are great for achieving a six-pack as they help the whole core and lower back.

If you want to speed up the process then it’s advised to do more cardio, do different variations of leg raises, maintain a good healthy diet, train core and lower back regularly.

Are leg raises better than sit-ups?

No, they both are great exercises. Sit ups target more on upper/lower rectus abdominis and the external oblique compared to Leg Raises. However, Leg Raises target more on the iliopsoas and rectus femoris than sit ups. There is no need to see which one is better but you should add both exercises to your workout.